Review Process


The review process begins with submission of a manuscript. Manuscripts should be submitted directly to the Editors through copy to email addresses. The Editors acknowledge receipt of the submitted article within 24 hours after the manuscript has been received and conduct a similarity test through the XChecker Software. Plagiarized manuscripts are rejected right away and are not sent for peer review.

Review Process

The review starts with subjecting the manuscript to a research expert/ peer reviewer in a given area, who is not part of the editorial board to read the manuscript and give opinions regarding its acceptability. The peer reviewer’s judgment determines whether the manuscript should be sent for the second phase of review whereby the editors send the manuscript to at least two editorial blind reviewers who are given up to three months period to carefully go through the manuscript and determine its readiness through tracking.

Review process is done blindly in that reviewers and editors hide their identity or use pseudo identities through the track change system. The review process includes content, grammar. Sentence structure and methodology. The reviewers also ensure that the manuscript in question follows the EAJMBS guideline for reviewers and authors.

After review, the reviewers return the manuscript to editors who send it back to the author(s) for them to incorporate suggestions given by the reviewers and then submit the final manuscript back to the editors. Thereafter, the editors do the final checkup to ensure that the comments given by reviewers are incorporated by the author(s). Editors may require authors to readdress some issues which are not clear according to the reviewers’ comments, and therefore, the manuscript may go back and forth between the author and the editorial team.

Plagiarism Policy

It is strictly prohibited to submit a paper for possible publication by EAJMBS which is already published or is submitted for possible publication in another journal. EAJMBS uses the XChecker software to detect similarities with previously published works before the manuscript is considered for review. Any paper with a similarity level beyond 20% is rejected. 

Conditions for Acceptance

Papers submitted for review process must not have been published or submitted to another journal for publication. Authors are encouraged to look for language experts to revise their manuscripts before submission to EAJMBS.