Aims and Scope

The East African Journal of Management and Business Studies (EAJMBS) is an international open access journal that publishes scholarly articles in the field of Management and Business Studies. The main focus for this journal is to inspire, motivate and nurture researchers from corners of the world to search and share knowledge and insights through research and publication. The primary target audience includes researchers and practitioners in the field of Management and Business Studies. Content of manuscripts published in this journal include management, administration, accounting, finance, human resources and related areas. 

Licensing Terms

The journal is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC), registered with Tanzania Library Services and indexed with Crossref. The Tanzania library services ensure that the published articles are recorded and accessible at the International Data Banks.  The documents deposited are listed in the Tanzania National Bibliography which is circulated to Libraries worldwide. The Tanzania Library services also ensures that published articles are collected, processed and preserved as a permanent national heritage for use in the present and future generations.

Unique Identifiers

EAJMBS provides a unique identifier under the Crossref to every published article. The following is an example of an identifier provided in our journal which appears at the top right side of the published article:  https://doi.org/10.46606/eajmbs2021v01i01.0001 

Open Access Policy

The journal operates under the Open Access Policy in that full texts of all contents are available for free and open access at any time. Every published article is assigned a special Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number which is indexed with Crosref to enhance visibility and consequently citation and impact factor of the article.

Authorship and Copyright Terms

Authors’ names should be arranged according to role played by authors. The first listed name should be of the principal contributor followed by others. The copyright of published materials belong to authors. The journal allows the author to hold the copyright without restrictions. Furthermore, the journal grants the usage rights to others using a Creative Commons open license which allows immediate free access to the work, permitting any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statements

It is illegal to submit plagiarized manuscripts or ones that possess malpractice issues. Authors have to ensure that ethical considerations are taken seriously in the process of writing. This includes, but not limited to acknowledging sources of materials borrowed from other authors through proper citations and references. The authors need to maintain high standards in methodology sections including permission from relevant authorities to collect data as well as appropriate sampling and analysis of data.  Upon submission, the authors have to declare that the submitted manuscript has not been previously published in any form or submitted for publication consideration in any other journal and that the submitted manuscript is free from research misconducts which include, but not limited to plagiarism, citation and referencing issues and submission of information that may mislead the society. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will lead to rejection of the manuscript submitted. Just in case any kind of misconduct or falsification is detected after publication, legal measures will be taken including removing the article from the list of published materials in this journal. To ensure these, the authors are required to fill consent form to agree with these conditions before the manuscript is sent to reviewers. 

Repository Policy

EAJMBS allows authors to deposit versions of their works in an institutional or any other website of the author’s choice. The papers can also be uploaded in the Research Gate and Google Scholar platforms. The journal further requires ORCID IDs to be present in the article’s metadata. Authors are therefore encouraged to include their ORCID ID numbers upon submission of their articles. 

Frequency of Publication

EAJMBS publishes articles quarterly in four issues per year: January to March, April to June, July to September and October to December. Articles which are ready for publication are immediately uploaded in the journal’s website without waiting for a particular time.