Influence of Motivation Factors on Service Delivery at Chamwino District Council Headquarters Office, Tanzania

Authors: Juliana Mlangala (Department of Business Management, Institute of Accountancy Arusha, Tanzania) and Peter Samson Thomas (Department of Business Management, Institute of Accountancy Arusha, Tanzania)

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of Motivation Factors on Service Delivery at Chamwino District Council Headquarters office. An explanatory study design was employed to collect data from the sample of 10 out of the population of 16 personnel. The sample was comprised of heads of departments and other leaders. To ensure validity and reliability, the instruments were pretested to four individuals and the responses from pretesting were used to adjust the final version of the tools. Analysis of data was done through the thematic analysis approach. It is concluded that salaries play the major role in motivating employees to work harder and delivery quality services. Secondly, allowances are a good motivational factor because they make employees feel they are being valued by respective organizations, hence they work hard in delivering quality service. Working conditions play a substantial role in service delivery because employees need to work in comfortable, healthy and safe environments. Finally, career development is very crucial as it helps to update employees’ skills, capabilities and competencies, supporting employees to deliver quality services that meet the needs of the clients. The study recommends that the PO-RALG should review the salary and incentive policy and increase salaries for employees as a way of motivating them to work harder. Secondly, leaders and managers in LGAs should ensure provision of sufficient allowances to employees so as to improve service delivery. Furthermore, the PO-RALG should improve the work environment in LGAs so as employees can work comfortably and deliver better services.

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