The Role of Procurement Management on the Performance of the National Housing Cooperation in Tanzania

Authors: Juliana Peter Kuleng’wa (Institute of Accountancy Arusha), Adam Aloyce Semlambo (Institute of Accountancy Arusha) and Stephen Lugaimukamu (Institute of Rural Development Planning)

Abstract: This study investigated about the role of procurement management on the performance of the National Housing Cooperation in Tanzania. The study employed an explanatory research design to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of variables under investigation without manipulation. The study used a questionnaire and an interview schedule as sources of data. The target population was 150 staff members employed at the National Housing Corporation headquarters. Stratified sampling was employed to select 63 operational staff based on age, work experience and level of education. Data analysis involved narratives, descriptive statistics and Pearson Correlations. The study provided valuable insights into the intricate dynamics of procurement processes and their profound impact on the performance of public organizations in Tanzania. The study reported positive relationships between pivotal factors and organizational performance, elucidating their potential to substantially improve efficiency, resource management and strategic goal attainment. The study recommends that procurement management must invest in continuous training and development for the procurement team, ensuring they stay abreast of legal requirements, negotiation techniques and industry standards. To bolster organizational performance, prudent financial resource management is paramount, involving strategic allocation, cost optimization, and financial stability.

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